Witches Against Religious Discrimination, Inc.

Prison Ministry Program

  WARD Prison Ministry | Successful Workshops Within The Walls | Inmate Photo Page | Inmate Photo Page 2 | Inmate Photo Page 3 | Other People and Critters Involved In Pagan Prison Ministry | NC DOC State Guidelines For Volunteers | WARD Prison Ministry Program Contact Information | Prison Ministry Educational Links | Prison Ministry Needs Your Help | Thank You For Giving | Issues In NCDOC  

Within The Walls Warning!
Merry Meet! I highly recommend to any individual that decides they are interested in Pagan Prison Ministry to consider their mental abilities to see people for who and what they truly are. While many individuals that are within the Department of Corrections (DOC) have come to some form of Wicca, Witchcraft or Paganism and have made a positive change from within, not all individuals have done so. Do not open yourself up to be vulnerable if you do not have a good judge of character skill or have the ability to see a scam for a scam or if you are emotionally vulnerable. This warning is not meant to demean you or the inmates, but to be open and honest about all that I have experienced within the 11 years I have been doing this. While the majority of the individuals have truly made a positive change from within, there are those few that have not and those are the ones you need to be aware of, but not shun.

This site is not meant for minors. You must be at least 18 years old in most states to volunteer within a facility, if not 21.

Site Updates
This site was created on April 18, 2001, specifically to deal with the concerns of prison ministry. All updates will be listed here.

Added pictures and information on April 20, 2001. There are more changes to come and the links page is currently under construction.

On April 21, 2001, I completed everything on this site except for the state by state guidelines, which I will continue to work on and adding my visitor counter, which I am having problems with.

Inmate Wiccan photo page was put under construction on May 1, 2001. Some pictures were removed to crop and change a little and others were added. This is a busy week, but should have it finished by the weekend!

May 7, 2001, we added inmate photos and updated the situation with Odom Correctional.

NextCard Visa

By applying and getting accepted for this credit card, you are donating to the WARD Pagan Prison Ministry Fund, which allows me to cook for all 8 Sabbats and 13 Esbats for the 18 facilities of Wiccans,Pagans and Witches that I see each month. Help me help them celebrate the seasons and begin the healing process through our Full Moon Healing Rituals!

My Guest Book
Please take the time to sign in my guest book, so that I can better serve your needs and those of the inmates you desire to assist. Without your input, we cannot assist those who desire to create change from within.

The guest book is also designed to better record any form of discrimination that may or may not be present within DOC, whether it be through policy, staff or other inmates.

Thank you for helping me help others and Blessed Be!
Sign My Guest Book

Darla Kaye Wynne
I am a hereditary Witch and have been practicing Witchcraft all of my life, even when I was too young to know it. I was trained by my grandparents in their skills and also within Voodoo by my aunt. I was of the Rosarian Tradition of Witchcraft for 10 years and am currently of the Tradition of the Sidhe with the coven of The Southern Sidhe.

When I go into the different facilities, I try to be non-traditional within my teachings. I have performed 7 initiations within the walls and the individuals are really wonderful and changed people, which makes me proud to be a part of their lives.

I began my prison ministry at the Fairbanks Correctional Institute in Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1989 or 1990 (can't remember the year :)which lead me into my first battle within DOC that lasted almost 4.5 years with a victory through the Human Rights Commission. I have never looked back and doubt if I will.

I currently go to 18 facilities within North and South Carolina. NCDOC uses me as their Wiccan Expert Advisor (these are their choice of words, not mine) and in June 2000, I was paid to train the Chaplains of NCDOC to better meet the needs of the Wiccan inmates.


Darla Kaye Wynne
Assistant National Director for Witches Against Religious Discrimination, Inc.
Message Boards (New!)

Merry Meet!